God brought me back to my Galilee over Christmas Break. We had a reunion for everyone who was in my youth group from 1996 to 2010. It was weird. We had worship, my youth pastor/leaders spoke. And I was prayed over by the same people who used to pray over me when I was 12. I was reminded of good memories and some bad ones. But one thing I remembered was how much I was in love with God back then, and all the things I said yes to. God put ministry on my heart, and I said heck yes! Now it’s more like…ehhh ok God. I know I’ve always leaned towards that direction, which is why I’m an Urban Cross-Cultural ministry major. But I haven’t been passionate about it. I’ve lost site of who I am. “Who I am hates who I’ve been”- song playing while writing this ^. Irony?
God brought me back to that place where I did so much growing up, and I was just reminded of how I need to keep finding my identity in HIM, and nothing or no one else.
My youth pastor told the story of Joseph, and how his father gave him his coat, and he told him he was royalty, he was favored among his brothers. When he was sold into slavery, he could’ve given up, and said okay, life’s over, I’m a slave. But he knew deep down that he was royalty, that he was God’s. And because he knew that, he kept a good attitude, he stayed humble, and true to himself, and before he knew it, he was 2nd most powerful ruler in all of……wherever he was. He was my age when he was a slave…but he knew where he stood, and that’s how he got through some of the worst days of his life.
WE have to find our identity, and be secure in it. Our identity is found in God. He proclaims our worth, he loves us and values us, and we were created FOR Him. No one else can label us…no one but God.
I was reminded that I was created for a purpose, and that it’s never too early or too late to find your purpose.
I Peter 4:10 –“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering god’s grace in its various forms.”
No one else has the same combination of gifts that you do, because God created each one of us differently, and with a purpose.
It’s funny b/c I watched “Happy Feet” for the first time over break, and mumble was different from all the other penguins, and that’s what made him so special, so unique. Because he tap danced instead of sang!
I’m not much of a singer, or a tap dancer, but God created me to do something different. He created all of us to stand out.
Colossians 4:5
“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.”